Goals 2010

So I was cleaning out my “Draft” folder and realized I never actually posted the following little bit and it was a good reminder to me (even though the year is almost at it’s end) the goals and ideas I had for myself at the beginning of this year.  So much has changed this year, but these are still my underlying goals (ok, so obviously the blogging goal didn’t go so good but I’ll keep trying) so I thought it would still be a good idea to post it:

Every time I sit down to write goals, I find myself getting overwhelmed trying to get too detailed or too ambitious or too realistic (granted there is a place to think big beyond what you think is possible and realistic, a place to get detailed down to the nitty gritty to make a step by step plan, and a place to be practical and realistic to your lifestyle and available time).  This time, in order to get pen to paper so to speak, I’m just going to bullet-point the goals I want to focus on for this year.  Disclaimer: these goals are subject to change, to be added to or altered, as I continue to think about them.

My “One Little Word” I chose for a theme word to focus on when I’m feeling devoid of inspiration and needing a focus is CREATE.

  • Write  1500 words/day or more
  • Finish my novel
  • Balance being momma, wife, and writer
  • Blog 2x a week

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